Friday, 31 October 2014

My Marijuana Experience

If you grow up in the ghetto or you have sometime mistakenly find your self in a ghetto, then you definitely know what a marijuana is. Even most persons popularly called the AJEBO's(those from rich homes and normally lives in GRA) in Nigeria are well familiar with what a marijuana is.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Ebola Saga: How I Got Quarantine

Following the ongoing nationwide registration for the new National Identification Number (NIN) in Nigeria by NIMC, I had made up my mind to enroll for it despite the fact that i didn't get ID for the previous ones i enrolled for.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Let It Go

I was sent this audio poem via whatsapp courtesy Agbo Godwin and i believe it will help someone overcome madness depression.. Please before you guys do me like Linda Ikeji, i honestly dont  know the source and name of the poem reciter..wink..enjoy the written peom after the cut..

Monday, 13 October 2014

If You Think Being In The Friend Zone Is Bad, Try The Brother Zone.

Many at times, i do hear people complain of how they have been marginalized and  katarported placed in the friend zone in relationships.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

The Satire About The Manual For Nigerian Pastors

This post is written by Elnathan John, and originally published on grab a popcorn and enjoy the ride after the cut..

Many manuals are full of jargon and unnecessary information. I have decided to keep this brief and to the point. Because I care.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Nigeria is 54..Happy Independence Anniversary

As we mark the 54th anniversary of Nigeria today, Mudility wish you a remarkable, peaceful and joyous celebration.. pop anything even if its water..wink..Happy Independence Anniversary Nigeria.